research center of experimental medicine

Research Center of Experimental Medicine (R.C.E.M)


About the Center

RCEM was founded in 2001. Currently, RCEM is known as the first and foremost  laboratory center in the East of Iran. A wide spectrum of research and medical theses are performed in this center annually. The RCEM provides facilities in laboratory animal breeding (rodents such as mouse and rat in different species) and also offers different laboratory animal models, particularly models for metabolic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular as well as neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer diseases.

Center's Head: Dr. Mohsen Foadoddini (Associate Professor), Department of Physiology, Birjand University of Medical Sciences.

Laboratory Assistant: Mr. Mehran Hosseini (Researcher)

laboratory animals

facilities access

care and use program

diet and bedding

special services

professional training

animal models


online resourses




 Facilities Access

Laboratory animal handling with care and respect is an integral part of biomedical research in RCEM.
  • To gain access to RCEM facilities, all researchers must attend Laboratory Animal Handling Workshop which covers the following topics:
    1. Principal ethical issues for the care and use of laboratory animals in biomedical researches, 2. Laboratory animal allergens and zoonotic diseases, 3. Rat and Mice biology, 4. Care and proper handling of laboratory animal, 5. Disposal of laboratory animal waste and public health rules, 6. Tissue sampling, techniques of blood collection and drug administration, 7. Principles of euthanasia, numbness, analgesia and anesthesia.
    (The RCEM regularly holds up laboratory animal workshops for researchers.)
  • Researchers must register their finger print in biometric reader security system to have access to RCEM laboratories during their research period.
  • Researchers must complete the request form for facility access and order the number and species of requested animals.
  • Researchers must use protective personal equipment like clean gown, gloves, face mask and shoes cover.
  • Eating, drinking, smoking, gum chewing, applying cosmetics, and taking medicine in laboratories are strictly prohibited.
  • Researchers must keep noise level to a minimum and do not use mobile phone or other electronic devices, particularly in the animal breeding rooms.
  • Uncoordinated adjustment of the light timer and air-conditioner systems is prohibited! Contact facility manager for alternative cycles.
  • Researchers must keep work area clean for next use and decontaminate them by 70% ethanol or other appropriate disinfectants.
  • Dirty cages and bottles must be placed to the dirty side of cage washing room. (Back to Top)

Available Laboratory Animals


The Animal Facility at the RCEM has supported research for more than 16 years. It provides researchers from Birjand University of Medical Sciences with different animal models and an ideal environment to perform their animal studies. The most common animals are the mouse (Musmusculus), the rat (Rattusnorvegicus) and the rabbit (Oryctolaguscuniculus). RCEM provides two strains of laboratory mice (C57BL6, Balb-C) and two strains of laboratory rats (Wistar and Sprague-Dawley). (Back to Top)

Care and use program

RCEM Responsibilities and Services:

  • Providing housing and breeding of the animal laboratory (Mouse, Rat)
  • Routine training programs
  • Providing daily animal husbandry
  • Daily health status monitoring of animals and laboratories
  • Institutional compliance with animal welfare regulations, standards, and policies

Animal identity: Every animal’s cage is identified via the use of different cage labels, depending upon the activity, i.e. experiment, quarantine, breeding, and sickness of animals. Cage cards contain the following information:

  • Name of the principal investigator
  • Institute grant number
  • The date animals were received
  • Animal species and gender
  • Number of animals initially placed in the cage
  • Any other relevant information  (Back to Top)



Diet and Bedding
  • Commercially available laboratory animal diets are obtained from Behparvar Co, Karaj, Iran. The diet is selected for its high palatability and consistent formulation to minimize nutritional variables. However, it should be noted that special diets as required to meet a research's goals may be purchased through RCEM.
  • The cost of normal rat/mouse diet from Behhparvar Co. including shipping cost is approximately 28000 rials in 2017.
  • It should be noted that the daily diet of an adult rat and mouse is about 10-20 grams and 5-10 grams respectively. (Back to Top)
Special Services
RCEM provides comprehensive technical supports as for what follow:
  • Metabolic diseases like diabetes, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular diseases
  • Neurosciences (stereotaxic method)
  • Surgery (surgery room with ventilator and inhaler anesthesia automatic machine)
  • Behavioral research (Tail-flick, Running wheel, Hot Plate, Treadmill, etc.)
  • Toxicological research (Dust and Gas exposure Chambers)
  • Physiological research (isolated heart system, non-invasive blood pressure monitoring, etc.) (Back to Top) 
Professional Training

RCEM regularly holds up laboratory animal workshops for investigators. The training program covers the use of rodents as animal models in biomedical research. A workshop comprises of theory (4 hours) and hand-on training (8 hours). The workshop certificate is an obligatory step for all researchers who intended to use laboratory animals in RCEM. (Back to Top)

Animal Models
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic Hyperlipidemia
  • Acute Hyperlipidemia
  • Skin Wound/Ulcer
  • Cancer induction (chemical/cell line)
  • Heart Ischemia/Infarction
  • Gastric ulcer (Pharmacological/ Surgical)
  • Pain induction (Chemical/ Surgical)
  • Parkinson's Diseases (Chemical)
  • Hypogonadism and Azoospermia
  • Liver injury/Toxicity
  • Teratogenicity and congenital defects
  • Inhaler Toxicology/Toxicity
  • Diabetic Nephropathy and neprotoxicity
  • Diabetic retinopathy (Back to Top)    


Online resources