• Jan 20 2018 - 08:08
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Birjand University of Medical Sciences

For the First Time in Razi Hospital, Birjand, a Computer-aided Maxillofacial Surgery Using Simulation Technique Performed

The oral and maxillofacial surgeon, a faculty member of the university, announced the first computer-aided maxillofacial surgery by using simulation technique, three-dimensional scanners or printers performed in surgery department of Razi educational-research and treatment hospital.

Birjand University of Medical Sciences
The oral and maxillofacial surgeon, a faculty member of the university, announced the first computer-aided maxillofacial surgery by using simulation technique, three-dimensional scanners or printers performed in surgery department of Razi educational-research and treatment hospital.

Regarding this and by stating that this modern surgery as a type of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery was performed by using the most up-to-date available technology and several innovative techniques by oral and maxillofacial surgery team of the university, Dr. Seyed Omid Kiyhan added: "In this surgery, the act of computer designing and assimilation was done by applying a computer software and the surgery was performed by cooperation of Dr Abbas Azari, prosthetist and a faculty member of Tehran University of Medical Science, professors of orthodontics department of the university, Dr. Mahboubeh Goldani Moqadam, Dr. Samaneh Nakhaee, and me".
He stated that after designing stage, printing stages were done through three-dimensional printers and by an Iranian knowledge-based company. He remarked: "advanced countries are using this technology for several years and they spend a large amount of money on it; using this technology has become common in Iran recently, although there are some limitations in this area".

The faculty member of the university reminded that the recent surgery in Razi Hospital can be claimed to be one of the most unique and complex cases of applying this technology in the country and in the world. He added:"the techniques applied for this patient is stated in published authentic international articles or the articles that are at the final stages of publication. Moreover, the cost of this surgery for patients is almost one percent, compared to similar surgeries in foreign countries.

In Dr. Keyhan point of view, this surgery was a great accomplishment indeed and it was the result of collaboration and teamwork. He added: "In this five hours surgery, surgery team in Razi Hospital included anesthesiologists, Dr. Simin Emampoor, and Dr. Mahmoud Ganjifard as supervisor of anesthesia care team,Meysam Shakibi and SomayehHendi were present as assistants supervisors too.

Dr. Keyhan mentioned that establishment of the oral and maxillofacial surgery department is the result of Dr. Qaemi support -the president of the university-, cooperation of Dr. Vejdan -the president of the hospital-, and delegate follow-up by Dr. Naarjes Akbari, dean of faculty of dentistry. He said: "we hope to provide an opportunity for oral and maxillofacial surgery department of Razi Hospital to continue its work in medical tourism domain, and to bring up-to-date treatment techniques in this area for the people of the country. It should be remarked that currently, by using this technology, three patients underwent surgery in Razi Hospital, Birjand".
  • News group : News
  • Content ID : 24903
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