

Finish Date

Frequency Comparison of Hbe Ag and Hbe Ab in Patients with Hepatitis B in Rural Districts of Esfandiar in 2016-2017

Dr. Masood Ziaee

In process

Study of Molecular Epidemiology, Phylogeny and Family Transmission of Hepatitis B in Andemik Region, Esfandiar, Tabas County

Dr. Masood Ziaei

Ongoing project

Empowering Members of Infectious Diseases Research Center by Applying an Approach to Increase the Efficiency of Research Center

Dr. Masood Ziaei

In process

A software for Guiding the Control of Actions to Take after Exposure to Blood Borne Diseases

Dr. Masood Ziaee

February 25, 2018

Study of the Prevalence of Hepatitis B as a Hidden Epidemic Infection, from HBaAG-Positive Mothers to children under 22 in Esfandiar Village in 2017-2018

Dr. Masood Ziaee

In process

Comparative Study of Causative Organisms for Sepsis and Sepsis Severe among Middle-aged or Elderly Patients Using Two Different Methods Namely Bectec and Conventional

Dr. Masood Ziaee

In process

Study of Hepatitis C Stigma among Students and Staffs Working in Healthcare Centers of Birjand University of Medical Science 201-2018


In process

A study of Prevalence of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis among Hemophilia Patients and Healthy People in Birjand in 2017-2018

Dr. Ghodsieh Azarkar

In process

Studying the Relation between Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver and Uric Acid among Individuals Aged 20-70 years in Birjand

Dr. Ghodsieh Azarkar

In process

Study of Sen Virus Viremia among Hemophilia Patients as Members of Hemophilia Association in South Khorasan

Dr. Masood Ziaee

In process

Comparison between Pregnancy Results in HBsAg- positive Women Comparing to Control Group in Birjand in 2017-2018

Dr.Zohre Azarkar

In process

A Study of Prevalence of ESBL (Extended Expectrum Beta- lactamase) among Separated E.coli form Patients with Urinary tract infections and a Comparison of Phenotypic Evaluation Using a Genotype Evaluation

Dr. Azadeh Ebrahimzadeh

In process

Study of Frequency and Risk Factors of Osteomyelitisin Hospitalized Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Vali-e Asr Hospital, Birjand, from 2013 t0 2018

Dr.Masood Ziaee

In process

Study of Hidden Epidemic Infections of Hepatitis B among Dialysis Patients in South Khorasan Province

Dr. Masood Ziaee

In process

Study of the Relation between Serum Vitamin D Level and Clinical Symptoms and Outcome among Patients with Community-acquired Pneumonia

Dr. Zohre Azarkar

In process

Effectiveness of Dialectic Behavioral Therapy on Poor Body Image, Rumination and Stigma among Hemophilia Patients in Birjand County

Dr. Masood Ziaee


Study of Anti-hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti HBS B) in Response to Hepatitis B Vaccination of Infants based on Related Factor among Referee Adolescent and Young adults to Hepatitis Clinic in Birjand County

Dr. Masood Ziaee

In process

Identification of Leishmania Parasites Using ITS-1 Gene among Sand Flies in Birjand County Using RFLP- PCR Method during 2015-2016

Mr. Mahmood reza Behravan

In process