Birjand University of Medical Sciences
An Afghan Student has finished his study in supplementary education in Medical Sciences
Ahmadi: being so near as our neighbor and having the same language are benefits of studying in Birjand.

memorandum of understanding between Birjand University of Medical Sciences and
Khatam-Al-Nabieen University of Kabul, the first Afghan student has finished
his study in supplementary education in Medical Sciences.
Najib-Allah Ahmadi
studied for one year in this university to finish his study in supplementary
education in Medical Sciences achieving high grades; in his interview with
university news agency he said: "despite studying Medical Sciences for
five years in Afghanistan at Khatam-Al-Nabieen University, according to a
memorandum of understanding between Birjand University of Medical Sciences and
Khatam-Al-Nabieen University of Kabul, I have passed an internship and
supplementary education in Medical Sciences, studying for one year in Birjand
University of Medical Sciences.
He mentioned to the
application process and requirements for medical students of Afghanistan who
aim to study in other countries such as India and Pakistan and then he added: "the
reason why medical students do not apply for these countries are increased
tuition in India and lack of safety and security in Pakistan".
He expressed his
satisfaction regarding welfare and educational services of the university and
mentioned the names of two other Afghan students studying for this
supplementary education and then he added: "during this year, I
accommodated in Vali-e-Asr private dormitory, and considering its facilities,
it was great".
The Afghan student
showed his gratitude to all professors and staffs of the university and
hospitals of Birjand and he reminded:"they
all behaved well to us and I never felt I am not an Iranian, and I have never
seen misbehavior by Birjand citizens".
In his view, being so
near as neighbor and having the same language are benefits of studying in
Birjand. He said: "I really like to study again here if tuition fees
reduce and if the application for residency is available.
He compared the differences of studying in
Kabul and Birjand and he added: "when we came to Birjand, our basic
knowledge was not as good as it should be. Thanks to our professors, we could
improve a lot. It will be great if it is possible to study the complete course
of medical science here".
At the end, he thanked university principal
and all university members who provide facilities and services for Afghan
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