• Feb 4 2018 - 08:22
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Birjand University of Medical Sciences

Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) - Razi Hospital

Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA), is the computer-assisted radiographic visualization of the carotids and cerebral vessels with a minimal view of background tissues and it is used as a brain angiography method whichis considered an advanced technology

Birjand University of Medical Sciences
Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA), is the computer-assisted radiographic visualization of the carotids and cerebral vessels with a minimal view of background tissues and it is used as a brain angiography method which is considered an advanced technology.

As a result of using the related devices, high resolution images with high precision are produced. Fortunately, by opening Razi Hospital in Birjand, the necessary device for Digital Subtraction Angiography has been provided.

Today, for the first time, the technology of Digital Subtraction Angiography was applied for a 16 year-old girl with brain vascular lesions. By using the related devices, it is possible to examine brain vascular lesions, anatomic details of brain and also consider vascular pathology.
In the near future, performing closed surgeries such as Thrombectomy (removing blood clots) in the case of stroke, performing closed surgeries like Aneurysm and surgeries related to abnormalitiesin brain that are recognized as advanced surgeries in the world, will be possible in Razi Hospital by collaboration of a neurointerventional team in department of neurology.

  • News group : News
  • Content ID : 26072
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