• Jun 3 2018 - 14:29
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Birjand University of Medical Sciences

Performing a Successful Surgery Colorectal cancer

For the first time in South Khorasan Province, Colorectal Cancel or Rectum Surgery was performed in Emam Reza Hospitalby using Laparoscopic surgery technique.

Birjand University of Medical Sciences
For the first time in South Khorasan Province, Colorectal Cancel or Rectum
Surgery was performed in Emam Reza Hospitalby using Laparoscopic surgery technique. The head of Emam Reza Hospital announced this news and said: the
Colorectal Cancer or Rectum Surgery by using laparoscopic surgery technique was performed
for the first time in Birjand by cooperation of a team of surgeons in Emam Reza
Hospital. The patient was a 38 years-old man.

dr.jalal ahmadi

Dr. Jalal Ahmadi told that having low pain and infection, reduction of
hospitalization time, rapid wound healing and fast return to everyday
activities are some of the advantages of this laparoscopic surgery and he
added: before this surgery, all surgeries like Abdominal Cancer had been performed by open surgery method and the abdomen had been cut. But
in this method, laparoscopic technique, the surgery is performed by making some
small holes into the abdomen; a surgical and imaging tool is directed to these
holes into the body and the surgeon observes the images through a monitor.

colorectal cancer

He added: by providing necessary facilities, laparoscopic surgeries will be
performed in Birjand and this will prevent sending patients to large cities.
The well-being of the patient is reported
fine after rectum surgery and he will be discharged from the hospital soon.
  • News group : News
  • Content ID : 28956
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