• Dec 23 2017 - 11:23
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Birjand University of Medical Sciences

Specialized Conference on New Cellular and Molecular Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Tumors

One day conference on new cellular and molecular advances in diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors was held in Birjand University of Medical Science by the presence of national and international speakers.

Birjand University of Medical Sciences
Specialized conference on new cellular and molecular advances in diagnosing and treatment of brain tumors was hosted by Birjand University of Medical Science in December 23, 2017. It was sponsored by Cellular and molecular Research Center, and was held in the Information Service Center of the university. In addition to national speakers, a number of international speakers gave their talks in this one day conference.

National speakers who attended the conference were: Dr. Mahyar Mohamadi fard, Dr. Mina Heydari, Dr. Saeed Naseri, Dr. Zahra Kiyani, Dr. Mohamamd Yahya Hanafi bojd, Dr. Hossein Safarpour, Dr. Akram Sadeqi Dastjerdi, and Dr. Mohamamd Fereiduni.

Dr. Saeed Qavami and Dr. Eftekhar Eftekharpour, were the guests from University of Munitoba, Canada, who attended the conference by means of web conference.

Dr. Saeed UraeeYazdani and Dr. SeyedFarshad Hosseini Shirazi, guests from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, gave their talks too.
  • News group : News
  • Content ID : 23712
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