• Nov 12 2019 - 13:01
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Birjand University of Medical Sciences

The First Kyphoplasty Surgery (injecting bone cement into vertebral body) Has Been Performed in South Khorasan Province

The Kyphoplasty Surgery (injecting bone cement into vertebral body) has been performed for the first time in South-Khorasan Province by a neurosurgeon in Razi Hospital, Birjand.

Birjand University of Medical Sciences
The Kyphoplasty Surgery (injecting
bone cement into vertebral body) has been performed for the first time in
South-Khorasan Province by a neurosurgeon in Razi Hospital, Birjand.

Dr Kazem Qaemi
described this surgical procedure to the
reporters and he said: "today, Kyphoplasty Surgery has
been performed for the first time in South-Khorasan Province on a woman aged
nearly 74 who was suffering from severe pain in spinal cord. This procedure can
be the treatment for fractures
of the spine caused by osteoporosis which causes pain and kyphosis,
and it is the also treatment for some spinal tumors that lead to intervertebral
disc degeneration".

Dr. Qaemi announced that the team of
neurosurgeons in Razi Hospital and also a group of neurosurgeons from Tehran
were presented during this surgical procedure and he said: "after the
surgery, pain intensity has been reduced significantly in 24 to 48
hours, and she could be discharged from the hospital the day after surgery".

He added: "in
South-Khorasan Province, considering treatment and surgical procedures for
patients who are suffering from Neurological disorders, not only these
patients are not transferred to other provinces, but also this province is
considered as an outstanding surgical facility and patients from neighboring
provinces and Afghanistan are admitted to undergo neurosurgeries, and spinal
cord injury surgeries; we could turn this province to an outstanding
neurosurgical facility in the country".
  • News group : News
  • Content ID : 34043
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