Objectives and functions :

Scientometric work is based on the examination of four basic variables, including authors, scientific publications, references and references. Scientometrics aims to show the characteristics of science and scientific research by using separate examination of these variables with a suitable combination of indicators based on these variables.

Based on the mentioned criteria, the functions of scientometric studies can be described as follows:

  • Quantitative study and measurement of science
  • Historical and sociological study of science and knowledge
  • Evaluation of priorities, prospects and capacities of research centers and universities
  • Assisting in scientific planning and policy making in budget allocation and balancing budget with cost
  • Recognizing communication patterns in scientific societies
  • Determining the amount of cooperation of authors in various fields
  • Drawing the structure of science and knowledge in general
  • Drawing the structure of specific subjects and scientific fields
  • Showing the scientific structure of specific subject areas