operating room unit

Operating Room Unit:


This unit includes seven operating rooms having all facilities and now, neurosurgeries, general surgeries, laparoscopic surgeries, orology surgeries, oral and maxillofacial surgeries, reconstructive surgeries are all performed in this unit. In the near future, eye surgeries and ERCP will be performed too. 


Operating rooms are equipped with modern facilities and surgical devices including advanced systems for endoscopy, nero-endoscopy, Urethroscopy, different types of laparoscopy, two CARM devices, advanced microscopes, neurosurgeries, ERCP device, advanced eye surgery microscope, adjustable electric hospital beds enabling the entire bed to be adjusted in different positions, advanced surgical lights modern anesthesia machine. Full monitoring is done by using medical equipment and video endoscope and it uses cutting-edge technologies from the world.

 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) :

This unit has 12 intensive care beds and 2 rooms equipped with one isolation bed, with a floor area of 699 square meters. All beds are equipped with complete monitoring system including heart and lungs monitoring system, hospital air bed, medical ventilator, oxygen capsule installed on the ceiling and other types of equipment needed. ICU's physical space is designed in a way that all beds are placed in two adjacent aisles, so each bed has enough space.

Neurosurgical Ward:


This ward aims to provide diagnostic and therapeutic services for patients with problems in brain and spinal cord and peripheral nervous system, under supervision of neurosurgeons and doctors specialized in different trends of neurosurgery.

The neurosurgical ward has 22 beds and four VIP rooms equipped all facilities for satisfaction of patients and those who accompany them.

Available Equipment in this Ward

  1. Each unit is equipped with oxygen system and central suction system

  2. Syringe pump, infusion pump, air hospital bed, Nebulizer device, Massager and stimulator machine for patients who need physiotherapy

Cardio Angiography :


This suite is used for diagnosis and treatment of diseased related to coronary and brain, angiography procedures, angioplasty of coronary vessels,kidney,carotidartery, abdominalaorta, valvuloplasty to repair heart valves, IVC filter placement, placement of catheter in left or right side of heart, removing the narrow section in coarctation of the aorta, ASD, PDA, closure of fistulas in leftventricle or using coil. Another procedure in this center is using pump balloon in patients with cardiogenicshock. Different types of pacemaker or Pulse generator are used in this center. This suit has a space of 400 square meters, including two Cath Lab; one of them is active now.
In Cath Lab unit, approximately 10-15 diagnosis or treatment actions are taken daily, and by using personal monitoring system, all patients are controlled by monitoring vital signs during the procedure and after the procedure (recovery); if any changes are observed, necessary preventing actions will be taken.

Installed Equipment in this Ward

The CatheterizationLaboratory (Cath Lab) in Razi Hospital is equipped with a Zimens angiography device which has enormous capabilities to take angiograms of coronary artery, peripheral vascular system and blood vessels of brain, treatment of aneurysm, and fistulas of the brain.